Wednesday 14 May 2014

How I survived 71 Days lost in a desert hell!

As a major part of my job has been building a new Library I thought I would do the right thing and actually go and borrow some books.  I thought this would be a great opportunity to do some reading to get me excited about the big trip ahead.  The question was – what to look for??  So trusting technology I went to the library book search and typed in “outback”.  I hope this is not a bad omen but the first two books that came up in the search were:

‘Left for Dead in the Outback’ 

and ‘Surviving Australia – A survivors guide to travelling through the Australian Wilderness’!!!!

Now I know I was after some ‘exciting’ reading but I am not sure if this is what I had in mind.  Luckily for me the next book on the list was not as bad (‘The Grey Nomad’s Guidebook’). 

While I must say the grey hair is starting to come through (not helping by the above books) I don't think I qualify as a grey nomad so I settled on a couple of other books hopefully more relevant.

Lets just hope I don't need a camel to rescue me! 


  1. If you havent already read it, check out Swimming with Crocodiles by Will Chaffey.

    CHeers, Lyndon.

  2. I have it as an audiobook for the long drive. Sounds interesting


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